Current Nests

The Church of All Worlds currently has active nests in the United States, and one active nest in Ecuador, & an affliated organization in Australia.


The Elliptical Congregation – CAW Master Nest

Chartered: 1978
Contact nesting coordinator for The Elliptical Congregation

Crow’s Nest – CAW Global Cybernest
Established December, 2018

View the Crow’s Nest Page for directions on attending

Nest Coordinators:
Bran th’ Blessed
Contact nesting coordinator for Crow’s Nest

United States


Live the Dream Nest

Los Angeles, CA
Chartered: 1987
Contact nesting coordinator for Live the Dream Nest

Magickal Adepts Supporting Choice (MASC)

Willets, CA
Chartered: April 1, 2015
Contact nesting coordinator for MASC


Solantis Nest

Gainesville, FL
Chartered: Febrary 2, 2020
Contact nesting coordinator for Solantis


Erosong Nest

Kenmore, WA
Chartered: Dec 21, 2017
Contact nesting coordinator for Erosong


The Church of All Worlds in Australia is incorporated separately under the laws of Australia. Our sister Church in Australia is managed by their National Management Council.

CAW Australia does not currently use nests but would be happy to adopt them when the need arises. More information about CAW Australia is available at:

If you would like your Australian nest included in our listings, please contact our nesting coordinator at


Summerland Monastery


Chartered June 23, 2017

J.Z. (Omi) Mackenzie
P.O. Box 1135
Correo Central Vilcabamba
Loja, Ecuador

The newly conceived Ecuador CAW congregation is located in Vilcabamba. Vilcabamba is a small, rural, isolated, but well-known “Valley of Longevity” in the S.E. Ecuador Mountains. Modern science has been unable to discern why its residents live long, healthy, and productive lives. In Vilcabamba, Nature is honored at the highest level as Pachamama (Mother Earth), as are human Elders.


If you feel your nest should be listed here, please contact the nesting coordinator at