Seekers 1st RING (Circles 1-3)
Scion Council 2nd RING – Circle 4 – 6
Beacon Council 3rd RING (Circle 7-9)

 The RINGs Cycle is a framework designed to create an interwoven network within the CAW community that supports the individual as well as the overall purposes of the Church. The concept of life as a living web is the basis for our internal structuring within the Church. The RING web is an interconnected egalitarian support network, utilizing our strengths and addressing our weaknesses. The term RING refers to rings in the labyrinth of the God and Goddess that, as the Dearinth, has become the symbol for the Church of All Worlds.

Within the system there are three concentric Rings, with three concentric Circles within each of those rings, corresponding to the orbits of the nine planets. Movement inward through the Rings indicates personal and spiritual growth, a deepening connection to the Church, a strengthening commitment towards its well-being, and a contribution to a changing consciousness in the global psyche. It is intended as a non-hierarchical system and each individual determines their own rate of progress. Some may choose to stay in the same Ring level and never progress further; their place is as important as that of those in the innermost Circles.

The Church of All Worlds has evolved this network system to avoid the idea of climbing on a ladder of success to a hierarchical top, wherein one seeks power over others. It requires a radical change of thinking to create a net instead of a ladder, where each connection is equally vital to the whole. Together we make a flexible structure capable of holding things gently, yet providing support.