Participation in the CAW RINGs program is voluntary, but individuals who choose to participate in the inner RINGs of CAW accept that participation in Circles 4-9 entail a certain level of responsibility to remain connected to and to serve the Tribe. Members who do not participate in the life of the Church, the Tribe or the extended Pagan community, or volunteer in any way for an extended period of time, are consider to be “…failing to meaningfully contribute to or advance within their applicable RING,” (Canon and in such situations their cases may be referred to the Council of Elders for review of their Circle status. In understanding of this policy, the RINGs Council adopts the following definitions of Circle Status which were adopted from Clergy/Priesthood status definitions proposed by the CAW II BoD. These definitions currently apply, but are under review for revision, and currently the RINGs Council also accepts a definition of “Probationary” status in line with our new Clergy Status Definitions for those Scions returning to service and seeking reinstatement to a prior Circle.
Must be an active, participating member of the applicable council(s), which may include:

participates in on-line meetings
attends regional and national council meetings
participates in visioning
maintains contact with fellow Council members

Must participate as a leader in the national organizations; disseminates the vision to the members. This may include:

participates on one or more e-lists
writes for the CAW website, maintains one or more CAW blogs, or writes or publishes a CAW Newsletter
serves on the Board of Directors and/or attends and participates in BoD meetings
serves on an active CAW council or committee or volunteers as Church staff
visits nests and members

Must be an active religious and spiritual leader, which may include:

facilitates or is a member of a nest or branch
facilitates/plans/sponsors a CAW festival, or event
writes/designs/leads a major CAW ritual
teaches classes or workshops for CAW members
performs rites of passage, initiations, and other special rituals for CAW members
maintains a personal religious or spiritual practice
if a Minister, performs duties related to his/her Ministerial Proposal

Detached — A member who otherwise is considered to have active status but chooses not to participate on the appropriate Council and so informs the councils.

Is not one of the number necessary for a quorum
does not have a vote on the councils
must remain informed of decisions or policies decided by the councils
must inform the councils of activities on a quarterly basis to maintain active but detached status

On Sabbatical — A sabbatical is defined as taking time off from the duties of your RING, such as not volunteering, no performing rituals, counseling, or other Scion or Beacon functions, etc.

Must make a request to the appropriate National Council for a specified, limited period of time in writing (email is an acceptable form).
Sabbaticals of longer than a year and a day require a request to the appropriate National Council (Scion, Beacon, Priesthood or Ministerial) for reinstatement and are subject to the requirements of that process.
A person on sabbatical may choose to continue participation on the appropriate council and/or Third Ring council during the sabbatical period, if said participation is regular.

Inactive — One who does not meet the requirements of an active member as delineated above for a period of a year and a day is automatically considered to be inactive. A RINGs member in good standing who is currently unable to perform his or her duties as an active Scion or Beacon may request an open-ended leave. An inactive Scion or Beacon…

may represent themselves as an inactive Scion/Beacon, as long as they are an active member of CAW
will not function as a Scion or Beacon until and unless s/he petitions for reactivation, are accepted and approved;
will not participate on the appropriate council while inactive or be counted in the quorum, but may attend council meetings as an advisory member;
may petition the RINGs Council for reactivation of his/her Circle status at any time. Return of Circle status is made by determination of the Council of Elders in consultation with the RINGs Council.

Retired — A RINGs member may choose to retire from active participation in the appropriate council and an active role as a Beacon or Scion clergy.

may represent themselves as a “retired Scion” or “retired Beacon”,
are not required to participate on the appropriate council while inactive or be counted in the quorum, but may attend council meetings as an advisory member to share their wisdom and counsel;
may not facilitate Curia, unless invited to do so by the active Beacon present or no active Scion or Beacon is present;
Retain the right to perform all other duties of a Scion/Beacon at their leisure.

Resigned from CAW — A RINGs member who resigns from the Church of All Worlds,

shall no longer be considered a member of the RINGs program, even at 1st Circle.
automatically forfeits all priviledges of his/her prior status.
will no longer act as, nor represent him/herself as a CAW Scion/Beacon in any capacity.

Suspended or Revoked Status — In severe cases, where the behavior of the member is considered to damage the legal status or reputation of CAW, to violate the principles, doctrine or ethics of CAW, or to detract from the advancement of the CAW mission, the Council of Elders may remove the member to Circle 2 status or the individual’s membership be suspended or revoked.

(suspension) or permanent (revocation) of Circle status or membership
automatically forfeits all priviledges of his/her prior status.
will no longer act as, nor represent him/herself as a CAW Scion/Beacon in any capacity.

Reinstatement of Active Status — Reinstatement of Circle Status is by consensus of the Council of Elders, in consultation of with the RINGs Council

May require a waiting period or re-acclimation to current the CAW Tribe
May be reviewed by the RINGs Council, who may make recommendations to the Council of Elders
May require an action plan outlining renewed or continuing training to catch up on current circumstances, or other stipulations made by the appropriate National Council on a case-by-case basis