Active Ordained Members of the CAW Priesthood

Note: To contact the clergy, send email to

Year  Date # Name
1967 21-Dec 1 Oberon Zell
1969 1-May 3 Tom Williams
1973 1-May 8 Carolyn Clark
1973 1-Aug 10 Don Wildgrube
1999 1-Nov 23 Marylyn MotherBear
1999 1-Nov 24 LaSara Firefox
2012 15-Jan 29 Martha Babineau (Australia)
2012 15-Jan 31 Margaret Fyer (Australia)
2013 24-April 32 Willowoak Istarwood
2014 5-Oct 33 Francesca Gentille
2014 9-Nov 34 Tim Emert
2016 31-Oct 35 Jacquie Omi Mackenzie (Ecuador)
2017 21-Mar 37 Peter Brabyn (Australia)
2018 1-May 38 Jonna Towel
2019 16-Feb 39 Wynter Weiss
2019 16-Feb 40 Terrie Wolfe-Lee

Inactive Members of the CAW Priesthood

Year  Date # Name Status Notes
1968 21-Mar 2 Lance Christie Discorporated 4/7/44-10/28/2010. Died of pancreatic cancer.
1970 1-Feb 4 John Patrick McClimans Deceased Died of Diabetes Samhain 1996.
1971 1-May 5 Ravi Kristin Inactive Status & whereabouts unknown.
1971 1-May 6 Toni Kristin Inactive Status & whereabouts unknown.
1971 21-Jun 7 Michael Hurley Inactive
1973 23-Jun 9 Roberta “Bobbie” Kennedy Inactive Status & whereabouts unknown.
1974 1-Aug 11 Morning Glory Zell Discorporated D. May 13, 2014 – Bone Cancer
1985 1-May 13 Anodea Judith Resigned
1990 9-Sep 14 Deborah Hamouris Resigned
1993 25-Sep 15 Aeona Silversong Retired
1994 23-May 16 Fiona Judge (Australia) Resigned
1994 21-Dec 18 Richard Ely Resigned
1996 7-Nov 20 Night Freedom An’Fey Resigned
1997 5-May 21 Farida Ka’iwalani Fox Resigned
2000 12-Feb 25 Kris Jensen Retired
2000 12-Feb 26 Jack Ingersoll Retired
2002 9-Aug 28 Kyril Oakwind Retired Retired 2004; rejoined in 2011; died 3/9/2013
2012 15-Jan 30 Kerrieann Winkley(Australia) Retired
2016 31-Oct 36 Rev. Luke MoonOak (Florida) Discorporated D. October 12, 2022